In November 2020, Coloradans voted to embrace a future where restored populations of gray wolves could again roam the vast public lands of western Colorado. As Colorado completes a plan to reintroduce wolves by 2023. The Rocky Mountain Wolf Project is laying the groundwork for Coloradans to live and work with wolves and other carnivores through programs that minimize conflict and maximize understanding.

Manifesting Our Vision
To further support these efforts, Rocky Mountain Wolf Project created a new Colorado license plate that will support programs to prevent conflicts with gray wolves through non-lethal means. In May 2023, Governor Jared Polis signed HB23-1265, creating the ‘Born to be Wild’ license plate.
In keeping with our vision, the ‘Born To Be Wild’ license plate will move hundreds of thousands of dollars annually to Colorado Parks & Wildlife to fund non-lethal conflict reduction programs and tools. The plate will also support research to make those tools more effective while providing a recurring revenue source to further fund these efforts. The annual additional fee for non-personalized ‘Born to be Wild’ license plates will be $50.00. There will be no cost to the state for the creation of this special plate.
Preventing conflict with wolves averts the need for loss compensation.
Notably, keeping the focus on non-lethal conflict management also decreases the odds of future loss to wolves. Emerging scientific research suggests that wolf packs which experience human-caused loss are more prone to turn to killing livestock than packs that do not have members killed by humans.
The plate symbolizes Colorado’s forward-thinking commitment to restoring wolves to her vast wildlands. The people of Colorado said they wanted wolves back, and that they wanted to make this work for everyone. The ‘Born To Be Wild’ license plate is the physical embodiment of that commitment. It will help ranchers adapt to wolves without putting a dent in their bottom line, while also protecting Colorado’s repatriated wolves.